Friday August 10th, 2018 – approx. 140 km today – approx. 664 km total
This morning, I woke up the second time on the Calgary West Campground with a little headache. In addition, I did not really sleep well and woke up a couple of times. So before heading into the Rocky Mountains with less infrastructure, I decided to once more stop by at my beloved Walmart and change the sleeping situation. I already reported about the result in this post.
After that upgrade of my little camp vehicle, I was heading west into the Rocky Mountains. Just a few kilometers before reaching the Kananaskis town, I turned left onto the Kananaskis Trail aka. the highway 40. At the first visitors center, I stopped and asked for some information. That way, I finally could get an explanation for the “cloudy” climate which I was already wondering about in Calgary: It’s because of all the wildfires in British Columbia on the other side of the Rocky Mountains! A ranger showed me a map with all the wildfires – and believe me: There were a lot of them!
In addition, I got some valuable information about possible hiking trails for the next days. And I also got this information:
Talking to the rangers in the visitors center, this made me buy a “bear spray” as my new weapon against any unwanted confrontation. The rangers adviced me to cary that bear spray with me all the time when entering the woods – especially not only here in the Rocky Mountains, but also in the Yukon where I eventually might travel to.
After all those information, I headed further south and left the highway 40 at the junction to the Kananaskis lakes. There, I stopped on the day use area of the southern lake aka. the Upper Kananaskis Lake. I took a short walk along the shoreline of the lake and encountered the junction with the trail to the Rawson Lake – one of the trails recommended by the rangers in the visitors center. As it was already too late to start going on that trail, I returned to the parking lot and took a short swim in the lake. I can tell you: I hardly encountered that cold water than here! It was freezing!
In the evening, I prepared a quick dinner sitting at the shoreline of the lake and took some beautiful pictures of these little creatures (for which I even used my monster lense the first time while here in Canada):
You have to excuse: This picture was taken with my smartphone. The really good ones are still on my camera!
About an hour before sunset, I left the day use area and started looking for a campground to stay on this night. The very first one, I stopped at was the Interlakes campground on the little stretch of land between the two Kananaskis lakes. According to a sign posted at the entrance, the campground was already full – as all of them, I passed on my way down here. Still, I talked to the manager and – voilà – there was one site left as the guy that booked it left an invalid credit card number and did not show up again. So, I pulled into my site for the night, but shortly after left again for a short drive to the shoreline of the Lower Kananaskis lake. There I spent some time and even watched a ranger stopping by – so just sleeping in the car on any parking lot really seems to be problematic within the parks. Eventually, I made my way back to the campground and went to bed quite soon. The next day, I didn’t want to get up too late, as I wanted to do the Rawson lake trail and afterwards still continue on the way back to Canmore.
Timo, ich sag’s dir, diese süßen kleinen Viecher haben’s faustdick hinter den Ohren… die schnappen sich (und fressen dann) so ziemlich alles, was sie in Reichweite bekommen…
Ehe du dich versiehst, haben sie deinen Rucksack, und essen deinen Reiseproviant……
Meistens kommen sie zu zweit: eines lenkt dich ab, und das andere raubt dich aus! – denn während sich das eine süß streicheln lässt, schleppt das ander KILOs von deinem Proviant in seinen Bau… in den riesigen Hamsterbäckchen…… 😉 🙂 🙂 🙂